Melissa Keane
Melissa Keane
Shaping the future
Melissa Keane
Projects & Development
My focus is: helping clients in the energy sector, with a focus on Asian markets.
I enjoy: the abundance of opportunity at Allens and the support the firm offers for people to pursue it. My career has taken me to all kinds of places and taken a number of forms, driven by my interests, ambitions and personal needs at different life stages.
On the horizon: Energy is a global issue that touches everyone. Energy players need to be aware of all the regulatory change ahead and have a game plan for navigating it, while remaining open to opportunities in this fast moving space.
If I wasn't a lawyer: I would be a police officer.
Allens new partners homepage Christopher Kerrigan Annabelle Aland Michelle Bennett Nikki O'Leary Melissa Keane Charles Ashton Jaime McKenzie Rita Pang James Kanabar Richard Lilly
Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP. © 2024 Allens, Australia