b'The Zinc Corporation, Broken Hill c.1907.Court of Australia and the Judicial Committee of the Privycopper, diamonds, gold, industrial minerals, iron ore and Council, and was finally settled by the Anglo-German Mixeduranium, with operations across six continents and thirty Arbitral Tribunal in February 1922, with Aron Hirsch & Sohnfive countries. Allens has assisted Rio Tinto to establish agreeing to make a payment of 25,000. mines, develop rail and port infrastructure and sell resources across the world. Allens advised Rio Tinto when it first For more than 100 years Allens has advised Rio Tinto and itsshipped iron ore from Western Australia to Japan in 1966. antecedent companies on transactions that have shaped theToday iron ore is Australias largest export.global resources sector. Today Rio Tinto processes aluminium, 91'