b'The First World War: servingAustralia on the battlefield and at homeUpon Britains declaration of war against Germany in 1914military service on the same day. Davies, originally rejected Australia was quick to pledge its support for the war effort.for his bad eyesight, memorised the letters on the eye The devastation to come was widely underestimated.test chart in order to be accepted. He had a distinguished career in the army, rising to the rank of captain, and was The war was a turning point for the young nation, recentlyawarded the Military Cross. The departure of these men united by federation. From a population of fewer than fiveleft SirArthur with only two support staff in the office and million, more than 416,000 enlisted, fighting as the Australianpart of the office floor was sublet to Daviess brother, Leslie Imperial Force (rather than as part of the British Army).Davies, a patent attorney.The five partners of Allen Allen & Hemsley, Arthur Allen,Sir Arthur served in a different way. Each evening in the Reginald Allen, Alfred Hemsley, Herbert Allen and Cecilbasement of Melbourne Town Hall, he and his team offered Cowper, remained in Australia, largely due to their age.free legal advice to military personnel and their families to Among the young staff who volunteered were Arthurshelp get their affairs in order. The Soldiers Advice Bureau, son, Arthur Denis Wigram Allen (known as Denis), and hisas it became known, assisted with the drafting of wills and nephew, George Wigram Dundas Allen (known as Dundas).powers of attorney and the management of land transfers. Both were pilots. Denis served in France with the RoyalOn one night fifty soldiers came for support, many on their Naval Air Service and was awarded the Distinguishedfinal night of leave before departing for war. Service Cross (the naval equivalent of the Military Cross). Dundas served with the British Army and later the RoyalFor Feez Rthning & Baynes in Brisbane, the sudden rise Flying Corp. They returned to Australia at the end of theof highly charged anti-German sentiment had immediate war to complete their articles and became partners ofeffects. While Adolph Feez was born in Brisbane, and the firm. Heinrich Rthning had arrived in Australia as a young child, their German heritage tested the loyalty of their client base. In Melbourne, senior partner TC Alston was one of the manyIt was around this time the umlaut in Rthning was from Hedderwick Fookes & Alston to serve in the war. At thedropped from the firm name.newly formed firm of Arthur Robinson & Co, numbers were almost halved when Sir Arthur Robinsons partner, George Forrest Davies, and articled clerk Wesley Ince were called for 94'