b'The day the boat ran agroundIt was not surprising the Allen Allen & Hemsley partnershipThankfully, nobody was hurt. Nearby water police advised baulked at David Allens idea of using a plane for marketingthat although the boat had only sustained a small amount purposes. Promoting your services was not something lawof structural damage, it would not be moving any time firms did. It was considered improper and, until the 1980s,soon. The initial panic abated and life jackets were handed it was illegal in Australia. So, when the firm embarked onout along with champagne. Conversation returned to legal what could be considered its first marketing exercise, thematters, aboard the now-stationary vessel. intention was not to make headlines around the world. The passengers were eventually escorted off the boat The Third Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference ofthough not before local news crews arrived at the scene. 1965 was held in Sydney and the firm invited 180 delegatesStories of the incident featured in newspapers the next for a lunch cruise around Sydney Harbour. It was a beautifulday across Australia and overseas (though the story day and the sun sparkled on the water as lawyers fromwas somewhat sensationalised in Bermuda where it around the world, and their families, boarded the Ladywas reported the boat had been shipwrecked in shark- Denman, one of Sydneys famous ferries. It was an auspiciousinfested waters).occasion for the firm and spirits were high. The glorious start, however, did not last midway through the cruise, anLong-time client of the firm, Sir Frank Packer, took greatalmighty crash sounded from below. Cutlery and glasswareamusement in the firms high-profile misadventure. He sent slid from the tables and crashed to the floor. The captaina telegram to the firms senior partner, Norman Cowper, had misjudged the tides and the boat had run aground nearanxious to secure his services aboard Gretel for his next Nielsen Park. The startled passengers rushed to the port side,Americas Cup syndicate. tilting the boat and making the situation worse. Midway through the cruise, an almighty crash sounded from below. Cutlery and glassware slid from the tables and crashed to the floor.Newspaper articles published about the ferry running aground, 1965.150'