b'The environment takes centre stage The 1970s and 80s saw increasing concern aboutWith business and political attention increasingly on conservation of the environment. In Australia, protestsenvironmental issues, in 1979 Allen Allen & Hemsley against the damming of the Franklin River in Tasmaniarecruited Michael Mobbs, one of Australias foremost raised environmental issues to a new level, and theauthorities on environmental and public interest law, to depletion of the ozone layer sparked global action. advise on environmental approvals and compliance for the firms largest clients. These efforts were expanded in 1990 In 1988 Australia became one of the first countries towhen an environmental law group was established, led sign the Montreal Protocol, an international agreementby Jillian Segal. The group comprised lawyers from acrossthe first of its kinddesigned to stop the productionthe firm, as well as Noel Hemmings QC, a former judge, and importation of ozone-depleting substances. Theand Jerrold Cripps QC, former chief judge of the Land and Environmental Offences and Penalties Act 1989 (NSW) Environment Court. The team quickly became a leader in (and amendments to the Act introduced in 1990) markedthis emerging field. a new emphasis in Australias approach to environmental protection, increasing penalties for corporations and individuals convicted of offences associated with environmental pollution. Since 1995 Allens has provided pro bono legal support to Bush Heritage Australia, an independent not-for-profit conservation organisation that buys and manages land and partners with First Nations peoples to protect Australias irreplaceable landscapes and native species. Over the years, the firm has committed thousands of hours of expertise to help Bush Heritage with its vision of healthy country, protected forever. The firm has helped Bush Heritage Australia acquire many parcels of land, including 14 hectares in the Liffey Valley of Tasmania gifted to the organisationin 2011. Sunrise over Taytitikitheeker (Drys Bluff) at Oura Oura Reserve, Tasmania.175'