b'Advocating for First Nations peoplesAustralia was colonised on the premise of terra nullius and Torres Strait Islander-owned businesses and fostering that the land belonged to no one. The rights of Australiascultural awareness. First Nations peoples were disregarded. The political, economic and social consequences of their dispossessionIn 2019 the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria, an and lack of recognition continue. It was only in 1962 thatindependent and democratically elected body, was all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples gainedestablished with representatives from Aboriginal the right to vote in federal elections. Another thirty yearscommunities and traditional owner groups. Allens provides passed before the High Court of Australia recognised theirpro bono legal advice to the Assembly, which is seeking to title to traditional lands in the historic Mabo decisionestablish, by agreement with the Victorian Government, the of 1992. Australias First Nations peoples today seekelements necessary to support future treaty negotiations.recognition through a constitutionally enshrined First Nations voice to parliament.Uluru Statement from the HeartThe Uluru Statement from the Heart brought together Respecting First Nations cultures is fundamental to themore than 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders to development of Australias identity. Many Allens peoplecall for a First Nations voice in parliament. The statement have committed time and energy to achieve justice andsparked a groundswell of public support across Australia. recognition for Australias First Nations peoples and to support the countrys pursuit of reconciliation. Allens endorsed the Uluru Statement and worked with Uphold & Recognise, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-Reconciliationled not-for-profit organisation, to translate the ideas in the The firm made its first formal commitment to reconciliationstatement into a concrete plan for constitutional recognition. in 2009 when it became the first large Australian law firmA team of Allens lawyers helped draft two options for to establish a Reconciliation Action Plan. Managing partnerconstitutional reform designed to ensure parliament hears at the time, Michael Rose, says, If we wanted to be leadersFirst Nations voices. The two options formed the basis for in the legal profession, we needed to also be leaders in theconsultation and, in turn, will help inform parliamentarians community. Allens paved the way with its Reconciliationon alternative ways to realise First Nations peoples Action Plan and it didnt take long for others in the legalaspirations for constitutional recognition.profession to follow. In 2021 the firm made its own submission to the The firms commitment to supporting peoples rightsgovernment, supporting the proposal for a First Nations has focused on key areas where the firm can make thevoice to parliament to be enshrined in the Constitution.most meaningful contribution. These include providingWe passionately believe that legal support for constitutional pro bono legal advice to individuals and organisations;recognition is a powerful way for Allens to help achieve creating employment opportunities within the firm andpractical and lasting reconciliation and close the gap, says the community; supporting the development of Aboriginalpartner Kylie Brown.232'